Customer Testimonials

Dana B.

Kirkland, WA


So I brought in my engagement ring to a place out of state to get it resized and returned to WA thinking it still didn't fit quite right. After reading the reviews here, my fiancé and I brought it to J Lewis and co to check it out. It turns out, the first place not only got the size wrong, but left a mark on the solder line!

Thankfully, everyone at J Lewis knew what they were doing - the girl at the desk even knew it had been resized previously before I said anything. Not only did they make the ring the right size, they fixed the solder line, refinished it, and made sure all the diamonds in the band were in place. Everyone was super helpful, and they even gave us free jewelry cleaner (no, we didn't buy the ring there) AND polished a ring I had on at no charge since I asked if they knew how to get a tarnish on it out. It also only took a day!

Everything in their display case looked gorgeous as well... I know where we'll be getting our wedding bands!!!


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