Customer Testimonials

T.M. R.

Bothell, WA


I have been to J Lewis a few times with my wife to look at rings and the service is always great. They take the time work with you and there is no pressure at all. It is very refreshing when shopping for the perfect ring. They have a little known gem in their shop that I learned about recently and that is Rob who owns Eastside Watch Repair. While shopping I was talking about needing someone to look at my Rolex because the clasp would not secure and I was introduced to Rob. This guy is fantastic. He fixed my band in two minutes free of charge. Class act. Ben Bridge would have nailed me a $100 just for glancing at my watch. As a watch collector I found my new stop for repairs and my wife has her favorite stop for everything that glistens. The best part is that it is in the same place. Great work J Lewis.


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