Customer Testimonials

Dan H.

Redmond, WA


I wanted to post about our experience with J.Lewis Jewelry, because my fiance Kelsey Aho and I both agree, that our experience was totally worth sharing!

At the beginning, I was very nervous! My dad passed down my late mother's wedding ring, which was passed down to her from my dad's grandmother. My dad told me to do what I want with the ring, as far as altering or redesigning something that Kelsey would like.

Because Kelsey had told me in the past that she wanted a white gold or sterling silver wedding ring, but my mom's ring was yellow gold. I knew there was going to be some major altercations.

You made it so easy on us by explaining, what our options were, showing/explaining the different styles, and fitting us for the right size.

We had a very difficult time deciding which ring Kelsey liked most. You told us, "You will know when you find 'the ring' because you will not want to take it off." You did not pressure us or try to "sell us" a ring, that we were not 100% happy with.

Your patience payed off, because we found "the ring!" Kelsey is in love with the ring we picked, and after transferring the diamond from my mom's ring, to the new ring, we still to this day, talk about how lucky we are, to have been patient and wait for "the one!"  

You were so helpful, when it came to making a decision on what would be the most affordable for us. As well as options for my wedding ring, with the remaining parts of my mom's ring.

In the end, you made the insurance decision, simple, completed the adjustments ahead of schedule, and made this whole experience so easy on us! We couldn't be happier!

Thank you so much for helping us with this important decision, and you have our recommendation 100%!

Dan and Kelsey (soon to be) Howard


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